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Electric Bikes: economic Nature of E-Bikes

Electric bikes

Electric bikes had come a long way as the bicycle has undergone a significant transformation from being a traditional recreational product to a viable and less polluting means of commuting. The development of technology has spearheaded the transformation of the bicycle to an electric bike that uses a motor to help propel it. Currently, countries like the United Kingdom, the USA, Italy, and Portugal, and the rest of Europe are recommending electric bike use as they have several advantages. The below article will cover the economic benefits of electric bicycles, and the advantages of the most popular electric bike – the fast powerful fat tire e-bike.

Economic Nature of E-Bikes

1. Cheap Compared To Motorcycles and Vehicles

An electric bicycle is cheaper when you compare it with the cost of a vehicle or motorcycle. A typical e-bike like Shengmilo or Gtwo costs around 1500 € – 2500 €, while a car or motorcycle is much more expensive (above 15000 €).

2. Save Funds

When you acquire an e-bike (wiki), you get the ultimate platform to cut down on several costs. They include:

  • Fuel costs – your e-bike only needs an efficient motor and a durable battery. You only need to recharge your battery when it runs out of charge. You, therefore, save funds that you’d have used to fuel your car. 
  • Transportation costs – e-bikes are an efficient means of commuting around the city. If you acquire one and decide to use it as a regular means of transport instead of public transport, you get to pocket the fare.
  • Maintenance costs – a vehicle requires regular maintenance practices for it to perform optimally. It tends to be expensive, especially if you have to replace a broken part like the crankshaft. You need an expert to do the job. On the other hand, an electric bicycle is easy to maintain, as you can carry out most practices. The e-bike components are also cheap compared to vehicle parts.

3. Electric Bicycle Infrastructure – Never think about parking

Setting up e-bikes’ infrastructure is cheaper compared to the vehicle framework. Vehicles require wider roads and parking space. Electric bicycles operate on narrower lanes, and a vehicle parking space can accommodate up to five electric bikes. You get extra space to set up other structures. An additional advantage for the user is the lack of thought about any parking arrangements, especially in big cities as you can leave your eBike more or less anywhere as long as you have a proper lock to secure it.

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